wah wah.
final year seniors have completed their final exams!
most of them have passed! congrats to them! gila power siot.
oh none of them read this blog *thank god *
I've been sibuk-ing and reading what they got for short and long case on facebook.
hahaha yeah poyo I know.
mak oi.
ternganga tengok case case diorang.
but interesting nonetheless.
fucking scary though.
now they get to be doctors and be rich (hopefully) and get married (hopefully) and live happily ever after! (errrr?)
aku pulak?
struggling nak lepas Klang dulu.
I'm really worried of not getting through Klang.
I don't think I can tahan staying here another year.
so apalagi?
ini lah masanya nak jadi rajin!
nak lepas Phase IIIA!
nak buat elective kat UK!
with my bro :P
nak graduate!
nak ada duit!
nak kahwin!
okay cukup lah tu kot.
for now.
susah susah dahulu.