Saturday, December 27, 2008

me? advisor?

basically this first year junior of mine.
dunno who never met the fella , from where also dunno , jantan or betina also dunno , dunno how she/he/it(?) got my number also suddenly messaged me asking me for help.

now, not tooting my own horn or anything but i would gladly help ANYBODY who asks me to.
tengok orang jugak ar. girls of course can one no problem!!!
haha nolah anyone also can lah actually i dont mind hehe. im not that shallow. :P

anyways later i found out she (yeah it was a she! :S ) failed pretty badly.
nama dia tidak akan disiarkan di sini untuk protect privacynya.

IVIH : but you blogging about it what! what kinda privacy is that!

hmmm. true. alah i wont say her name one dont worry. :P
i swear i swear i swear.

neways she HEARD from someone that i too failed badly in my first year first sem but rebounded to get a respectable result in second sem.
now. lets get things straight here. i did not fail as badly as her BUT i failed pretty badly.
never study anat you know!!! how the hell to pass!
and i didnt get a respectable result. i passed by the skin of my teeth from a 20 minute pass or fail interview from hell! that is not what i call respectable.
well i from my nearly impossible position to even get that interview was in fact heaven sent.
phew. hahaha.

so do i look like someone you would ask for advice?

yes. that is a chair. on my head.

what? boleh tahan? fine. how about now?
yup. chair. with. stupid face. haha.

so yeah.
but i decided to help.
just gave her some "friendly" advice.
she said dia takde minat to learn medic. but she dont want to change course.

so what the hell do i say???
just keep studying and dont get stressed and see how 2nd sem plays out.
mind you i didnt do too hot for 2nd year neither. so im in no position to say this. haha.

anyway i tried my best to help.
if she ends up quitting medic and being something else, i would be happy.
if she ends up being a good doctor, i would be happy.
if she messages me again, i would call the freaking cops.

but really , who would do such a thing?
messaging me i mean.



Sakinah Amran said...

kelakar la ko ni:P

Anonymous said...

Hahaha.. i think she has a crush on you.. the help thingy, it's just an excise! :)


Kamkango said...

i think so too. hehe. good looks run in the family you know!

Danial said...

cik kiah : klakar ke? i try i try :P hahahaha

K. Ainul : eeeeeee who would have a crush me? gila apa? :P

Kamkango : that last statment, no comment. :D
