Wednesday, January 21, 2009

randomity #48

why dont buses have seatbelts?


just wondering.

p.s. malaysia started the whole buckle-up-behind-or-else-we'll-saman-you unless you bribe us of course thingy.
no complaints. just that i feel like i've been forced to sit in a toddler seat.
me + toddler seat. imagine. ewww.
double eww.uncomfortable indeed.

p.s.s. thanks for voting for Tim!
i hardly think that my blog had anything to do with him winning but oh well! :P
campus politics. *rolls eyes*
dont get me started. :S

haha bye! got MPIS rehearsal!


Anonymous said...

whats mpis?

Danial said...

mpis is erm


malam penganugerahan ibnu sina *duh*

its like an awards night of sorts for ppl who have "berbakti-ed" kepada college in various ways bla3.

also like a celebration for the final years.

and an excuse to dress up and stuff.
