Monday, June 29, 2009


i was very young when i first watched this video.
and i have to admit.
i was pretty scared throughout the whole thing.
especially at the grave yard.

but my fears started to subside when i realized that all the zombies just wanted to dance!
well what would you wanna do after being stuck in that sempit place 6 feet under.
i am claustrophobic by the way :P
even a klutz like me would want to dance.
and that's saying something.

ah michael jackson.
when i was growing up.
i always wondered how a black guy could become white.
you were a mystery to me.
but your music and dance moves blinded that question of mine.




Kamkango said...

ahahahahah! u crack me up!! i miss you <3

p/s: tolong locate my MJ DVD, danny. pleasepleaseplease?? i think i left it in your room. ada all the videos and it's a collectible now -- must keep!!!!!!

pp/s: got you your LOST t!!

Danial said...

i miss you too! :P
my hair very long now rugi tak pegang hehehe but im starting school soon so gotta cut again :(

(this is my sister people. so can be mushy a bit hehe)

what MJ DVD??? tak pernah jumpa pun.. never mind later i'll look for it. it's kinda messy here because all my things are unpacked.

REALLY? LOST T? hope it didnt cost too much :S



Kamkango said...

LOST t just arrived in the mail today. your job once you receive it is to pakai terus and pose and amik gambar pas tu email me.
