Monday, September 7, 2009


hey hey everybody.
just wanted to wish my sis a very belated birthday!
she's an Anak Merdeka as you call it but she's not as old as Malaysia!
even though Malaysia was only formed in '63 but whatever :P

you see if i had my external i would have put pictures of her and i here.
alas my external is still M.I.A. :(
haha alasan i know

*excuse the upcoming cheesiness*
anyway happy birthday Hana!
we all miss you lots! Havent seen you in AGES!
looks like im going to have to save money and visit you there!
good luck in everything that you are/will pursuing/pursue.
is that spelling correct? :S
i love you.

p.s. oh yeah it was my birthday too the other day.
thanks for everybody who wished!
especially to the guys and gals who "suprised" me at the hostel the other day.
hahaha :P

you know me.
i never put any importance on my birthday.
its just like any other day to me.
maybe this'll change when im older and shit.
who knows.
but i do care about other people's birthdays so im not that abnormal.

p.p.s. going to do my IC today!

1 comment:

Kamkango said...

You are sooooooooooooo cute. And adorable and the bestest ever. Rugilaa sapa yg terlepas.

I tried calling you on Sept 1st but tak dapat. Still have your bday prezzie.

Hope things are going well. I miss you loads and wish you were here so I can give you a BIG HUG!