Wednesday, November 25, 2009

bulan baru?

ello ello *in british accent*
i am contemplating on reading the Twilight series.
yes yes im curious on what the hell is all this hype about.
breaking The Dark Knight's record and all that.
the nerve.
are.. you.. serious?

no lah i dont really care.
i just wanna read new books.
but the thing is.
i dont wanna buy the whole freaking series!!!
they are like 4 books right?
so im not gonna fork out like 100++ bucks just to read something i MIGHT not like.
anybody that has the series, boleh tak bukakan hati anda untuk meminjamkan saya buku buku tersebut?

i am here to
suck your...
wallet dry!

and no i dont want the soft copy either.
it's a book man.
read it like a book.
the traditional way.
dengan kertas papyrus ke??
nolah not that traditional.
i dont wanna stare at the computer for hours reading some novel when i can watch porn do something else with the computer!

i'm bored.
PCM sangat relax sampai tak tau nak study apa.

bye people.
shit it's december already.
well almost anyway.


Entertaining Economics said...

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Anonymous said...

dont bother lah dan. i bought the 1st book. read it. and couldn't finish it.

The girl has absolutely no self esteem what so ever and the guy is so full of himself.

If it was written by a man (misogynist), all my feministic rage would have been full blown. Instead its written by stephanie freaking meyer.

To think that kids have this kind of heroine/role model to look up to, i fear for the future of our society.

Yes, the book is that bad. And I read trashy romance novels.

My World said...

dude, how was karaoke? ninja not bad..action scene was actually good

Danial said...

cushion: errr thanks :D

tasha : wow. i'll take your word for it then :P say, any good trashy romance novels then? :P

satpal : do not watch. like shit.
:S haha. grrrrr. well do a review soon.maybe lah.haha.

Kamkango said...

this sums it up the best:
