you have maybe seen this video making the usual rounds on the web already.
via Friendster, Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo or whatever.
but sweet is it not??
too bad the cat didnt wake up the end.
I guess you can't always get happy endings.
yes it is safe to say I'm a cat person.
speaking of cats.
it's a he by the way.
he's one of my batch mate's punya kucing.
I dunno where he got it from.
end of posting test next week!
finals makin dekat.
takut gila.
p.s. 3 of toes currently don't have nails.
as I have removed them as it was damaged.
yes it does look gross.
p.p.s. setiap kali balik ceramah mesti rasa semangat and inspired.
doesn't last long enough though.
:S what ever happened to your nails? yikesssss... how you manage to put on 'em socks? :S and you were walking pretty fine for a nailess-feet guy! (;
sorry ya.. gelap-gelap tak nampak tadi :P very semangat man you guys.. buat round malam-malam... or is there something going on between you and satpal the rest of the world doesn't know? hmmm? o.O? :P
hello miss agape!
entah lah i dunno.. too much stress kot. on the toes i mean.
can wear socks what.. and there's no pain. it just looks gross and weird.
eleh. you memang lan ci one rite.. i know i know.. sapa lah kami kan? exam on monday what.. rajin lah sikit. hehe.
hey hey hey. don't even go there. satpal has a gf and i'm....
so yeah.
not painful meh? eek.. the whole idea of being nail-less *getssquirmish*
eh where got lan si? i so friendly ok.. come stalk your blog - can't get any more friendly that that okay! :PP ahaks.. it was drizzling! plus two huge figures approaching me.. :PP
all the best! ((:
aawwwww.. me knows how badly you want satpal :PP LOL!
no it's not painful..
you should try it sometime.. I can take out your nails if you want :D
sudahlah aroma.. I cannot trust you anymore.. :(
hmmm if I were you I would probably do the same kot.
hahaha please lar.
satpal not my taste okay?
im in love already anyways
haha nah.. i'll pass :P
sure satpal not your taste? just nice height for you to lean over and rest your head you know :PP LOL!
*gasp!* in love?.. you probably just smashed hundreds of hearts mann.. ;) heeeh
eh you macam terbayang bayang je pulak?
jangan aroma jangan... dia dah berpunya :P
hahaha im in love with tiffany alvord!
what hearts? dont you know a lot of people dislike/hate me?
haha eh you kinda free for someone who has end of posting exams rite? ;) dah habis ke?
ahaks.. no-nos.. me no terbayang ok.. haha you yang terbayang-bayang nak tiffany alvord!
i've met ppl who perasan org like them.. but hate them.. hmm you're the first! crazy you.. got paranoia ar? :P
haha i finished on thursday. yeay! now 3 days holiday! :(
haha biar lah i want to dream about her.. coz I'll never get her! :P
eh eh mana ada.. I don't mind them hating me... that's different from paranoia kan? hehehehe.
takpe lah.. people will believe what they want to believe..
so nak buat macam mana...
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