hmmm semua orang macam suka guna this thing sekarang eh --> #(insertsomethinghere)
even when they are not on twitter or whatever.
but hey it's cool!
#iiscoolyo! #thisthingisfun ############!
anyways feeling a bit like a #failure today.
hari jumaat tu gi main futsal kat Kota Damansara.
i had to leave early because I had a movie to catch.
but you know me, it's very hard to resist playing with balls. haha.
so lambat lah jadinya, so I was rushing, left my 3/4 (0.75) pants at the place.
mahal tu. nike kot. :(((((((
so next morning I realized this pastu I called the place.
staff there cakap ada jumpa.
so I asked them to pegang jap eh, nanti saya datang ambik.
lupa lak kena pergi wedding abang member aku.
i was like alamakkkkkkkk camner ni? call balik tempat tu cakap aku datang lambat sikit... hehehehe.
balik wedding tu cam pukul 4 pastu ngantuk pulak :S
tidor sampai petang.
"I already ask the fella to simpan sure nothing bad will happen right..."
always assume something bad will happen.
my sis belanja the whole family dinner so I couldn't miss that so I went there afterwards lar.
pukul 10 lebih camtu I reached the place.
it was gone. they couldn't find it.
huhuhu sedih sangat. *over*
i left my number in case they found it.
and then just a few minutes ago I called them back and asked them again.
*is it very obvious how much I liked this tracksuit? sorry lah this is the only pair I had. huhuhu sedih sebab kena pakai past tense sekarang :( *
the staff said the cleaner already threw it away.
sekarang kena beli baru.
duit burn lagi.
I don't have money.