Thursday, August 21, 2008


just got back from pak ali.

was reading A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah.

while waiting for nasi pataya bungkus and sipping nescafe ice.

and for the first time in a long time.

rasa macam best + peaceful + relax !

i think i've found a new hobby.


p.s. oh the book is good. makes me wince and insomnia-inducing.
also makes you think about people less fortunate than you.
syukur lah sikit. sigh.
so instead of grappling for power, we should be striving for peace.

duh. haha

1 comment:

Kamkango said...

I just finished What is the What by Dave Eggers. It's about the Lost Boys of Sudan -- well, specifically one the Lost Boys -- and his journey from Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, and finally US. I couldn't put it down! Go lah, baca.