Tuesday, March 24, 2009


had one of those occasional crazy nights of abandon again.

8 o'clock.
Me, Satpal and Simon went for dinner at KFC.
tapau-ed only.

so came back to college, ate. sembang kejap.
then lepak satpal's room.
turns out he had The Curious Case of Benjamin Button in his laptop.
which i happened to want to watch for a while.
i really did want to watch it at the cinema but then dah habis already :S

movie was.... okay.
kinda sad though.
but now we know how brad pitt and cate blanchett would like when they get old.
which actually has no erm benefit pun.
hmmm. hahaha.

and i'm sure you know that movie is 2.5 hours long right.

by the time the movie finish it was like 12.30 already.
go to sleep? hell no.
we smartasses. decided to have a round of dota.
and another.
and another.
and another.
and another.
and another.
and another.
and another.
and another.

until 7.00 am in the freaking morning.

oh well you only live once right?
shit got practical today.


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