Sunday, March 1, 2009

randomity #54

pertama kali saya menjejak kaki ke Starbucks Bangsar.
gila cool.

hahahha im here not to look cool or stylo or whatever nonsense people go to Starbucks for.
drink maybe? :S

im here because my house got no internet and college got no api so no chance for PBL info gathering. so i have to come here lor.

no im not drinking anything cause frankly, no money :S
dunno what to drink also.
from your cappucino to your espresso to your mochachino to your frankudulicionno to your ronaldinhoronaldobrazilliancofffee or tongkatalibatukaranganantiho or cholelisthiasisho.

so yeah. saya adalah virign starbucks.
so what? hahaha.
macam macam orang kat starbucks nie eh.
orang tua.
orang muda.
laki.pompuan.pondan.mat salleh. mat salleh pondan.

internet here very fast. suka!

oh no wikipedia is not accessible!
die lah!
okay now this is getting ridiculous. google also cannot pop out.
what the hell? :S
is this because i'm not paying for anything?

p.s. rafael injured for todays final!
shit lah. kesian the fella.
go Devils!

p.p.s. yay profile pic sudah ditukar. hahaha aku tak vain. dont judge me!

why am i blogging when i have PBL stuff to do?



Sakinah Amran said...

haruslah kena judge. VAIN GILA kot. gigi kuning. sem depan aku masuk klinik aku panggil for scaling okay. hahaha saham bakal naik bang. auww.

pinksterz said...

oi oi boikot :P

hahahaha i was a starbucks virgin too until a friend forced me to go in there with him recently. :| and i only bought the fruit juice. gila tak cool ah gi starbucks minum jus wtf.

Danial said...

cik kiah : gigi kuning? agak ar. kawan aku cakap gigi kuning ar bagus! :P

scaling? apa tu? macam scaling bangunan ke?
takde ar aku tau ar apa scaling.
eee harap tak naik kat market lain lah if you know what i mean hahaha

pinksterz : eh i didnt buy anything pun there so i tak bersalah! :P

go starbucks buy juice? thats like going to kfc to eat fish!
or whatever. you know what i mean.

p.s. both replies end with same sentence. gila pelik. :S