Friday, January 29, 2010


i have a fever.
a very high fever.
high-grade dah nie.
tak boleh tahan.

that's right.

oh yeah.
L O S T fever that is!
yeah the best series ever is going to end this season.
im happy and sad at the same time.

i can't wait for L O S T!!!
i think i'm the only one who follows L O S T meticulously here.
in my batch anyways.
hmmmm. ke ada orang lain?

i know a lot of people don't like L O S T.
but good thing i don't care what you say! hahahahaha!
but if you wanna know what L O S T is all about , watch this please :

hehe. enjoy.
L O S T .

p.s. on another note, i really have a fever. and my neck is freaking painful.
meningitis much?


My World said...

lucky it will be be last we hear about them getting lost!haha

Danial said...

dont worry, i'll still bitch about L O S T everyday. hehehehehehehehhe.