Tuesday, January 19, 2010

lifejacket please.

sebab aku tengah hanyut sekarang.
you all know right what hanyut means right?
i mean in this contex lar?
okay good takyah explain.



someinsight said...

hey danny, even if you're feeling tengah hanyut and with your moods and all, maybe all of us are feeling like that. so if all of us are feeling alone, then maybe we're not alone but we're all together in a way?

just some insight

Anonymous said...

don't hanyut terlalu lama. even if u tak lawan current air, later u'll feel tired juga. so grab something and get out from it. now! heh :)

Danial said...

someinsight : yeah that's true. it's good not to be alone i guess :P

anonymous : i like hanyut-ing. :P
okay not really lah. a lot of things are going on right now. so maybe hanyut a bit. insyaAllah it'll get better soon :D