Monday, August 2, 2010

kadang kadang.

kadang kadang rasa cam bodoh and malu.
bila buat suatu yang unexpected.
towards somebody.

macam cakap hi kat kawan yang lama dah tak tegor.
or be the first one to apologize kalau gado dengan somebody.
or make the first step.

tapi sometimes you gotta do what feels right.
walaupon kawan tu cam buat bodoh je and rasa musykil gila tiba tiba ko tegur dia.
or maybe that person does not give a shit about your apologies.
or kena reject.

you gotta do the right thing.
but you gotta make sure it's the right thing lah.


p.s. tengah main Word Challenge on Facebook.
million times better than studying!


wawa amly said...

u know wawa..n nie 1st time bc blog llki...
your blog bagoih la coz..i feel like i can understand a men more than before..
thanks yah

Danial said...

erm salam..
thanks for reading but saya rasa tidak adil untuk judge lelaki berdasarkan blog ni.
hahaha. takde cerita benda pon pasal lelaki and what we think of or anything.

kalau nak tahu lelaki lebih mendalam,sila lah berjumpa dengan lebih banyak lagi or baca lagi banyak blog laki lain. salam :P

Kamkango said...

LMAO at your comment, Danny :P

Danial said...

I know!!! I'm sooooo eviilllllllllllllllll kan?!!

i felt bad after writing it though so :P

Kamkango said...

Nolah, not evil. Just a smartass. Which I fully appreciate. If she has a sense of humor she'd think it's funny too :P