Tuesday, September 7, 2010

randomity #101

cigarettes only have two pro's :

1. great for halau-ing mosquitoes at night. they are very cheap mosquito repellents :D
no really it's true.
tak tipu.

remember when we used to use this?

2. cheap alternative to laxatives.
ni LAGI lah tak tipu.
but I wouldn't know lah. I don't have any bowel problems.

and you guys all know about the cons about smoking.
you know. cancer. coughing.dumbness.retardation.hahaha.what else? birth deformities bla bla bla you've all written this essay in BM before kan? kan kan kan? hahaha.
so just ask yourself.

sikit je pon.

is the enjoyment of a strain-free toilet run or a good night's sleep without getting bitten by those mosquitoes worth the risk?
dont you wanna live long enough to see your children?
dont you wanna be fit and be able to play sports or jog without stopping to catch your breath every 5 minutes?
do you want freaking cancer?
do you want your dick to fall off? or *insert any body part here* to fall off as well???
do you want others to get sick from YOUR cigarette smoking huh?? especially your pregnant wife or your infant child??
ni just in case ada orang macam ni baca blog ni, not referring to anybody here :P
and kalau ada perempuan that smokes, ex-squeeze me, tak hot langsung kay.
*flips hair, tapi takde rambut pon* :S

but he's still smoking innit?

so people. do the right thing.
think about your loved ones.
it's not easy to stop. hahaha. freaking hard , so I've heard.

*you gotta fight, for your right... *

but you got until the age of 30 to quit.
entah lah because I remember some doctor telling us that if you stop by the age of 30, the risk of a (ex)smoker getting CVD is the same as the normal person.
but you gotta stop smoking for 2 years first.
so in reality you gotta stop by 28 years old.
so do the freaking MATHS!

okay. tu je nasihat dari saya.

p.s. I just watched the HIMYM episode where they were trying to quit smoking so that explains this post haha :P
p.p.s. loving the fact that people are posting a lot of notes and videos about ramadhan and islam in general. terima kasih. sejuk hati saya memandang dan mendengar dan membaca. I loike!
previously there was an outburst of cute kitty videos. I LOIKE too! :P
p.p.p.s I havent watched Thank You For Smoking yet. lama dah nak tengok. hmmm.

heard it was good.
dah lama dah actually this movie.

p.p.p.p.s dontcha just hate hypocrites?

pictures from:


My World said...

thank you for smoking is an old movie. but its good!

liyannasyahirah said...

doktor yg bagus ;p